About Us
Speak With Style is a fun, friendly and informal club. Where Toastmasters has a reputation for being formal and procedural, we have a casual and easy-going vibe with lots of jokes and creative meeting themes! Some of our members are skilled and experienced speakers, while others are beginners. We welcome everyone regardless of public speaking skill level, and we are a diverse club committed to equity and inclusion.
Speak With Style is fun!
We’re a friendly and social bunch! We organize parties and picnics throughout the year, and go out for drinks after our meetings once or twice per month. We regularly organize meetings with fun themes like
- Beach Day
- Ugly Sweater
- Cookie Baking Contest
- Vogue It! (everybody dresses fashionably)
- LGBTQ+ Pride
- Diversity Day (represent your home country or culture)
We build life-changing skills
We view public speaking as a life skill that can help you in your professional, academic, and personal life. We value the qualities that make you engaging and charismatic: confidence, persuasion, humour, authenticity, and thoughtfulness. When you come to Speak With Style, it’s not only about delivering a performance on stage; it’s about learning to captivate an audience and be an influential leader.
We create a welcoming and low-pressure atmosphere
The hardest day at Toastmasters is your first speech and the second hardest day is your first visit. We understand that public speaking is scary in the beginning, and we fulfill the Toastmasters mission by helping everyone to overcome these challenges. This is not a place where we compete. We accept everyone who wants to improve their confidence, leadership, and speaking abilities. If you have the right attitude and can contribute to our supportive environment, then we welcome you to Speak With Style.